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Barcelona Madrid València Girona Bilbao Sevilla

Onsite smart eyes and hands to help you with your IT equipment.

Remote Hands

With our fully qualified field engineers we cover your needs on a wide range of tasks from rack deployment, hardware power cycling, new hardware installations, moving devices or even within different racks or data centers, adding components to existing assets, removing devices, and a lot more.

Rack and Stack

Efficient and effective cooling infrastructure that is robust enough for the most complex high-power density deployments. These problems get more complex when the deployments span national or global footprints. Our experienced team of engineers is your eyes, hands, and ears in the location.

Data Center Relocation

Need to relocate your data center equipment? We take care of everything, from unmounting, inventorying and moving a few pieces of equipment or an entire rack or data center. Our Project Manager works together with our team of field engineers and your team to plan and execute a smooth migration.

Shipping & Receiving

Packing and unpacking of equipment for shipping. Labeling boxes or equipment for shipping. Inventorying boxes or equipment. All the above can be performed by our staff.

24/7 Availability

EMAS smart hands service offers problem resolution, the update installs, and custom installations by in-house operations technicians that are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Increase Security

You will have someone who can respond right away whenever a security threat is detected to prevent problems. This is in addition to the strong security measures already in place to protect your servers.

Experienced technicians

A team of network engineers managed by a experts

Quickly and easily

Our decentralized network of resources gives us a unique service proposal


We know that every minute matters to accomplish with the industry SLAs


A unique experience for every need

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    Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional en nuestra Política de Privacidad.


    Av. Badalona, 31, 1º 1
    Mollet del Vallès (08100)
    Barcelona, Spain



    + 34 93 159 89 10


    + 34 625 30 53 85

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